Monday, July 13, 2009

Is Green Tea Good For Me?

Does any other food or drink reported match that of the green tea health benefits? The Chinese have known for at least 4,000 years, about the medicinal rewards, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the attributes long associated with drinking a freshly brewed cup. There is also research indicating that drinking it lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

It can even help prevent tooth decay! Its antibacterial abilities can help prevent food poisoning; it also kills the bacteria that cause dental plaque. Deodorants and skin creams are beginning to appear on the market as well.

Green tea health benefits are fuelled by its high content of powerful compounds referred to as catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

What differentiates this from the other varieties is the way that it is processed. They all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. As opposed to the Black, or Oolong varieties, its leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, the black and oolong leaves are fermented, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.

Green tea health benefits extend to weight loss in a variety of ways as well. EGCG is responsible for an effect known as thermogenesis - the process of heat production in the body. Surprisingly this effect is separate from the stimulating effects of caffeine. Actually, it also contains an amino acid called theanine which works antagonistically to the already reduced amount of caffeine contained within. The caffeine content is about half compared to that in coffee.

Another factor is the ability of EGCG to aid in the control of blood sugar levels in the body. When you maintain an even level of blood sugar you crave that sweet pick me up less.

The catechins in commercial leaves may not remain stable during long-term storage. This is a god reason to consider supplementing your diet with the extract in tablet or capsule form, rather than brewing the leaves.

The green tea health benefits are so plentiful and varied that we have only touched on some key points here.

To learn more please visit my website today at

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